Sunday, August 19, 2007

Stop this, prevent dementia

Over 5.1 million people in the United States have dementia. Many of them did this in the past. This probably increased their chance of getting dementia five fold.Also this likely puts into effect a vicious cycle of artery damage, clotting, and increased risk of stroke causing mental decline, writes researcher A. Ott, MD, a medical microbiologist with Erasmus University Medical Centre in the Netherlands.

What is this you ask. It is smoking. Smoking not only increases your risk of having a stroke or heart attack or developing lung cancer or emphysema, but it also increases your risk of developing dementia.

Higher rates of mental decline are found in both men and in women whether they have a family history of dementia or Alzheimer's disease or not. Education level does not matter either.

The number of years a person smoked dramatically increases their rate of mental decline.

Therefore we have another reason to quir smoking. There is substantial evidence that chronic tobacco use is harmful to the brain and speeds up onset of Alzheimer's disease, Ott says.
Every cigarette actually does do a little bit of damage.

Decrease your risk of developing dementia and stop smoking now
For information on how to quit, visit WEB MD

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