Friday, November 27, 2009

Natural Supplements to Prevent Senile Dementia

Here is a great dementia resource for caregivers and healthcare professinals,

Here is information on being the best caregiver you can be

Here are more interesting dementia brain boosting activities

Here is a dementia Thanksgiving activity


No one knows exactly how to prevent senile dementia, but some nutritional supplements may be advantageous, especially if the dementia is caused by low amounts of essential nutrients in your blood. Eating a healthy diet and taking some natural substances may help stave off this mind-robbing condition even if you have normal amounts of nutrients in your blood. Consult with your doctor before taking any supplements

Senile dementia is the loss of intellectual ability that is related to old age. Senile dementia is a group of symptoms associated with a gradual memory loss, decreasing communication ability and increasing abnormal behavior. Senile dementia is caused by the destruction of the brain cells. There are some natural supplements that seem to prevent this from happening.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D deficiency contributes to the risk of developing dementia as well as other diseases which are risk factors for dementia. Get Vitamin D from exposure to the sun or by taking a Vitamin D supplement. Talk to your doctor about the correct amount you should take for your age and body type.
B Vitamins
Vitamin B12 deficiency is common in older adults. Older people have trouble digesting B12 rich foods and absorbing B12. Low levels of B12 can cause memory problems. Getting B12 injections may be necessary if you do not absorb enough B12 from your diet.
Lack of vitamin B6, can also develop into a dementia that can be reversed. Most people older than 50 need 1.7 micrograms of Vitamin B6 a day. Over 200 micrograms a day is toxic. Many things influence how much B6 is absorbed.
The spice turmeric is an read all of.....Natural Supplements to Prevent Senile Dementia

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