Monday, March 18, 2013

5 foods to prevent dementia

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The Dementia Caregiver's Little Book of Hope [Kindle Edition

Metro Creative

We love our hearts. But what are our brains — chopped liver? Neal Barnard, an adjunct associate professor of medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, says how we eat can improve not just the function of our tickers, but also the longevity of our noggins.
In his new book, “Power Foods for the Brain” ($27), and his PBS special, “Protect Your Memory” (debuting on public television on Saturday; check local listings), he outlines his nutrition plan to stave off Alzheimer’s and dementia. Barnard took us shopping to point out some smart choices. And, no, chopped liver wasn’t one of them.
— Walnuts: Vitamin E can be a brain booster, Barnard says, noting a Dutch study that showed that people with the most vitamin E in their diets cut their risk of Alzheimer’s by 25 percent. The best sources are nuts and seeds. Barnard generally opts for walnuts, which he enjoys shaved over a salad. (That also helps him limit his intake so he doesn’t overdo it with calories.)
— Blueberries: “None of these have any cholesterol,” he says, waving at the produce display. And that’s important for the brain because clogged-up arteries translate into reduced mental function. But he’s particularly fond of this antioxidant-rich fruit that’s been shown (in a small study) to help people with memory problems.
— Broccoli: Folate sounds like foliage, which is what it is, Barnard says. And in combination with vitamins B6 and B12 (which he recommends taking supplements of), it can eliminate homocysteine — a destructive molecule that messes with the heart and brain.
— Sweet Potatoes: Wondering how to get your B6? Throw some of these root veggies into your basket. (Bananas are another good source.) Barnard says they’re a staple in the diet in Okinawa, a place where people have been found to have exceptional brain function in old age.
— Wine: Too much vino can mess with memory, obviously. But a glass or two a night has been shown to cut Alzheimer’s risk significantly. In theory, red wine is the better choice, Barnard says, because the resveratrol it contains may be good for your heart. But when it comes to the brain, a glass of any alcohol appears to offer similar protection.

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